Friday, October 16, 2009


Final Battle: Mormon Promises

They Wish They Could Keep

Religion Exposed v. Jesus


Deu 13:14

14 you are to inquire, investigate, and interrogate thoroughly. If the report turns out to be true that this detestable thing has happened among you.

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Ezra 7:10
10 because Ezra had determined in his heart to study the law of the LORD, obey [it], and teach A)">(A) [its] statutes and ordinances in Israel

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1 Peter 3:15

15but a]">[a]sanctify A)">(A)Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready B)">(B)to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the C)">(C)hope that is in you, yet D)">(D)with gentleness and E)">(E)reverence;

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2 Timothy 3:16-4:4

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16A)">(A)All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness;

17so that B)">(B)the man of God may be adequate, C)">(C)equipped for every good work.

2 Timothy 4

"Preach the Word"
1D)">(D)I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to E)">(E)judge the living and the dead, and by His F)">(F)appearing and His kingdom:

2preach G)">(G)the word; be ready in season and out of season; H)">(H)reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great I)">(I)patience and instruction.

3For J)">(J)the time will come when they will not endure K)">(K)sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires,

4and L)">(L)will turn away their ears from the truth and M)">(M)will turn aside to myths.

Acts 26:18

18to A)">(A)open their eyes so that they may turn from B)">(B)darkness to light and from the dominion of C)">(C)Satan to God, that they may receive D)">(D)forgiveness of sins and an E)">(E)inheritance among those who have been sanctified by F)">(F)faith in Me.'

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Cross references: Is 35:5; 42:7, 16; Eph 5:8; Col 1:13; 1 Pet 2:9, John 1:5; Eph 5:8; Col 1:12; 1 Thess 5:5; 1 Pet 2:9, Matt 4:10, Luke 24:47; Acts 2:38, Acts 20:32, Acts 20:21"Open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me."


  1. Exodus 24:8

    Moses then took the blood, sprinkled it on the people and said, "This is the blood of the covenant that the LORD has made with you in accordance with all these words."
    Exodus 24:7-9 (in Context) Exodus 24 (Whole Chapter)
  2. Hebrews 12:24

    to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel.
    Hebrews 12:23-25 (in Context) Hebrews 12 (Whole Chapter)


Aaronic Priesthood: all "worthy" young Mormon boys are "ordained" to this priesthood beginning as young as age twelve. There are three "offices" within this priesthood: deacons, teachers, and priests.

Apostle: Mormons have "restoration" teachings where they believe all other churches have fallen away and are an abomination to God. They believe they are the only true church on earth and these apostles are the proof of that authority they have from God.

Apostate: this is someone who has turned from being an active Mormon into an "enemy" of the church. Temple Mormons are quizzed twice a year to see if they have had any contact with anyone that the church would call an "enemy" of the church.

Authority: believe this was restored to Joseph Smith by having key Bible leaders appearing and ordaining Smith. Anyone ordained in the church receives a card tracing his priesthood back to Joseph Smith.

Baptism: "Baptism by immersion under the hands of a legal administrator, one empowered to bind on earth and seal in heaven, is the initiatory ordinance into the Church on earth and the celestial kingdom in the world to come (D. & C. 20:68-74; 2 Ne. 9:23-24). Baptism is the formally appointed means and ordinance which the Lord has provided so that man can signify his personal acceptance of all of the terms and conditions of the eternal gospel covenant. Thus in baptism, which as part of the gospel is itself a new and an everlasting covenant (D. & C. 22), man covenants to abide by all of the laws and requirements of the whole gospel." McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, 69-72. Contrast this with my extended article on the NEW BIRTH.

Baptism for the dead: Mormons believe in re-generational baptism meaning they believe water baptism is the new birth. If someone dies without a legal baptism performed by legal administrators then Mormon relatives can go into the temple and be baptized by proxy for that person in a special font in the basement of the temple. 1 Cor 15:29, Mormon Doctrine, 72-73 See my extended research paper titled, BAPTISM FOR THE DEAD.

Bible: See my extended research SOLA SCRIPTURA.


Bishop: heads a ward [300 to 500 members] who is also ordained a High Priest in their Melchizedek priesthood. They are largely unpaid and perform marriages and funerals and conduct services.

Blood Atonement: Mormons have historically believed that some sins are so serious that they are outside of the blood of Christ. They believe it would be in the best interest of the offending person to have their own blood shed so they can have a hope that they will eventually be released from hell into the lowest kingdom in their afterlife. Some underground militia like fundamentalists feel they would be doing certain apostates a favor by shedding their blood. See an extended treatment at DANITE USE OF BLOOD ATONEMENT

Born Again: See an extended treatment at ARE MORMONS BORN AGAIN?

Book of Mormon: published first in 1830 and has since that time undergone thousands of changes. It claims to be an ancient text telling how early American Indian people came from Israel into the Americas. The president of the RLDS church today does not believe in its historicity. Many LDS scholars have been forced to think of it as an allegory since after more than a hundred years of geographical and archeological research no confirming evidence has been found to correlate anything in the Book of Mormon to any place or artifact found in Mesoamerica. Scholars can read Mayan hieroglyphics and after carefully studying tons evidence that include chronologies, histories, king lists and have not found a single mention of any person place or event in the Book of Mormon. The most glaring missing person in Central America who the Book of Mormon says was prominent was Jesus Christ. Before scholars could read Mayan, Mormon prophets and presidents declared correlation between Christ and certain Mayan "gods," but these have all proved an embarrassment. Many LDS scholars left the church thirty years ago when BYU had to shut down its "archeology" department.

Author's Blogs docs

Final Battle blog:

Jesus “Truth” Contrasted to Quran, Darwin or Marx

Jerry Stokes LDS Testimony

Mountain Meadow Massacre 9 /11 1857, Jerry Stokes 2009

Fall Book Mormon pdf

Ten Differing Versions of Joseph Smith’s Sacred Vision

Fall of the Papyri Behind the Sacred Mormon Temple Endowment

DNA & Failed Promises of the Book of Mormon

Is the Current Nation of Israel Related to Israel in Our Bibles?

Fabrico Santos DNA First Americans 1999

Jewish Origins DNA New York University School of Medicine

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